
This library aims to offer a complete, intuitive and streamlined away for building Discord apps both quickly and at scale.


pip install aiocord


Create a widget/__init__.py file.

import aiocord

async def handle(info, event):
    if (message := event.message).author.id == info.client.cache.user.id:
    await info.client.create_message(message.channel_id, content = f'{message.author.mention()} said {message.content}!')

And run the following in your terminal:

aiocord --token <TOKEN> start widget

This is a simple example to get you started in seconds, but the library covers a vast wealth tools to fit any scenario.

Check out the Examples section for more and, when ready, explore Core to learn about the underlying mechanisms.


This documentation describes how the Discord API is implemented, not how it behaves.

There are links relevant parts of Discord’s Documentation, for consulting as the main source of truth.